Tag Archives: tomatoes

Pinned it, Made it, Ate it: Prosciutto Wrapped Cod

So I’m really good at pinning things, not so great at returning to actually make/try some of my Pinterest finds. Recently however I actually got around to making a couple Pinterest recipes. The first of them was this Prosciutto Wrapped Cod.

I know for many of us September usually equates to a busier schedule which is really why I wanted to share this recipe. It’s probably one of the easiest things I’ve ever made and not to mention full of flavor. The cod itself only requires three ingredients and if you serve the suggested roasted tomatoes on the side, then it’s four ingredients and you have a meal!

proscuitto wrapped cod

A Blue-Haired Dinner at Acacia

Leading food tours makes me hungry. It makes sense, I’m watching groups of  people nosh on some really good food for three hours (and I’ve eaten it all before so I really do know how good it is). So I’m usually ready for a large meal come 3 pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

A few weekends ago the boyfriend’s family was in town and while I was leading a tour, they were moving my boyfriend’s younger brother into my old apartment. They had worked up quite an appetite as well and our party found its way to Acacia. It was about 4 pm and we were all alone in the dining room. I like to think we were helping the kitchen get warmed up.

I started with an heirloom tomato salad that was so, so refreshing.

Acacia Lobster Roll Meal

Acacia Lobster Roll

For my main course, I was powerless to resist the lobster roll. The lobster filling was perfectly cool and lightly creamy. There was really no need for the melted butter served on the side, but I certainly enjoyed a few dunks. Not one morsel of food was left on my plate.

It was a very satisfying summery meal. My fingers are crossed I can make it back for at least one more lobster roll before September and fall make their grand entrance.

Is anyone really ready for Summer to be over? Me neither.


The Food Matters Project: summer tomatoes

Absolutely nothing beats feeling like your weekend was well spent when you wake up on Monday morning. I had a to-do list, and amazingly a lot of items got crossed off, but I didn’t let myself get bent out of shape when Sunday rolled around and I had the chance to spend a few episodes of 24 picking leftover blue crabs for dinner’s crab cakes.

This week’s recipe for the Food Matters Project was Savory Tomato Crisp. Nicole from The Giving Table selected this week’s recipe and you can see how all of the other FMP bloggers made it here.

I really had every intention of following this recipe as it was written. I had planned to throw in some summer squash too but I got to the Farmer’s Market a little later than I wanted to and there was no more squash. I was going to take my savory crisp to a little crab feast a friend had organized in the park nearby. Well, my friends got a quickly baked panzanella salad instead. Hunks of baguette instead of bread crumbs, pieces of torn mozzarella, red scallions, olive oil and aged balsamic vinegar.


I had more tomatoes though and thought about trying again on Sunday. I just couldn’t bring myself to put these freshly picked summer tomatoes in a hot oven though. Slicing and stacking were as far as it got.


Neither of my attempts at making a savory tomato crisp were successful. I’m going to try and maintain my weekend state of mind though and not worry about it. 🙂 Plus, there’s one farmer’s market tomato left on my counter and I think a simple tomato sandwich on toasted bread with just a light smear of good mayo will erase any lingering feelings of disappointment.